Pi’erre Bourne: Live at Phoenix Theatre

Photography, writing, and editing by Kian Gannon

Pi’erre Bourne’s “Good Movie” tour hit Toronto’s Phoenix Theatre on Sep. 17th for the first time in about three years. Pi’erre’s new album “Good Movie” has been a hit amongst fans and has seen to peaked attention from rap fans all over as it has a different approach to his previous releases. The album seems extremely thematic and follows the name in its structure resembling a movie. The show on the 17th showed exactly that theme. Between the visuals on screen, the slight intermission during his set, and Pi’erre himself controlling the laptop that ran his tracks, he seemed to act as both the lead actor and director to this entire experience.

The first opening set was from none other than Chavo. His high energy and impressive live performance set the energy in the room for the rest of the show. Chavo set the crowd off during his performance of “Michigan” and ran it back towards the end of his set to pull the crowds energy as high as possible. Following Chavo was Sharc, Sharc came on stage with the crowd ready to go and he delivered beyond what I had imagined. From mosh pits to jumping down to the barrier and on top of the railing, to throwing three or four water bottles into the crowd, Sharc kept the energy that Chavo had started. Finally, Pi’erre came out at around 9:30 and kept his set rolling until around 11pm. His energy matched that of the crowd, but he was able to slow it down when he wanted to maintain a thematic performance.

Toronto absolutely showed out for Chavo, Sharc, and Pi’erre as they nearly filled the entirety of Phoenix Theatre. After the show, myself and some fans hung outside the tour bus and talked to Sharc, Chavo, and their media team. This was one of the coolest parts of the night for me as we all sort of became friends by talking while we waited for Pi’erre to come and say hi. Sharc and Chavo were extremely open to answer a bunch of questions that the fans had for them and to just sit outside and hangout. Pi’erre came out at around 12:30 and made sure to come say hi to everyone waiting at the gate before they headed out to continue the tour. Toronto seemed to be a memorable night for both the crowd, the media team, and the artists on tour. It’s safe to say that Pi’erre might have a soft spot for Toronto in the future.


Thank you to Live Nation for having us out to the show for media coverage, as well as to the Phoenix for being so helpful in entering the venue and accessing the media pit.


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